Drones: Key Tool to Border Security

VADER, which stands for Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar, was developed for the war in Afghanistan. It lets agents track activity in real time and distinguishes humans from animals from an altitude of 25,000 feet. Last year, CBP borrowed the radar from the military to test it in Arizona.

U.S. Sen. John McCain is among VADER’s supporters.

“It seems to me that’s an incredible technology tool,” McCain told Alles during a congressional hearing in April. “Don’t you believe that VADER plus drones could be absolute vital tools in attaining effective control of our border?”

As lawmakers started to debate the immigration bill last week, McCain said the government needed to use more technology such as drones and VADER to increase border security.

By: Perla Trevizo | June 16, 2013 | Arizona Daily Star

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