Ohio Pursuing Drone Test Center with Indiana, as FAA Tackles Unmanned Flight

The two-state team is competing with applicants from several dozen states. The Federal Aviation Administration will oversee six test sites, where experts will help the FAA figure out how unmanned aircraft — ranging in size from jetliners to model airplanes — will one day mix with the nation’s air traffic.

Ohio and Indiana have pitched a research site in Springfield, near Dayton and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Indiana has a bounty of restricted air space to test unmanned vehicles, officials said.

Ohio officials recently approved $70,000 for the proposed test site. The money, from an Ohio Department of Transportation aviation fund, allows the state to lease office space the next two years at the nonprofit Advanced Virtual Test Cell, Inc., known as AVETEC.

By: Tom Breckenridge | July 13, 2013 | Cleveland.com

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