Tag Archives: Privacy
As Drones Become More Prevalent In Pasadena Airspace, So, Some Say, Does the Need for Local Regulation
Many people have witnessed the spectacle that is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or “drone.” Buzzing through the sky like an angry hornet for any one of a multitude of reasons that range from a hobbyist’s entertainment, to a professional … Continue reading
Drone pilots discuss the need for laws regulating flight
When Cherry Hills Village became one of Colorado’s first cities to enact an ordinance regulating drones in 2015, Mayor Laura Christman called it a public safety issue. Residents told her, “‘No, we do not need a drone law because we … Continue reading
Woman brandishes gun, scares off drone
Clearly annoyed by a drone hovering near her residence, a woman aims a gun at the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in a video that is going viral. The drone’s-eye video shows the drone hovering close to a house. A woman appears … Continue reading
Peeping drones
As more and more personal drones circle our atmosphere, we need to be careful about protecting people’s right to privacy. Currently, drone-filmed pornography is entering the scene, and we need to make sure people aren’t being filmed without their consent. … Continue reading