Tag Archives: Safety
Can We Prevent a Drone Terror Attack?
The uncontrolled market in toy or hobbyist drones makes their future use in a domestic terrorist attack “likely,” says a researcher and lecturer on drone warfare. But it will still require sophisticated technical skills to deploy them effectively, according to … Continue reading
How unmanned aerial systems can assist police pursuits
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) – commonly referred to as drones – are transforming daily operations within many industries. Public safety agencies are also starting to use drones to augment response. One area of potential value for law enforcement is supplementing … Continue reading
Amazon, Google, Others Are Developing Private Air-Traffic Control for Drones
The commercial drone industry wants to create a privately funded and operated air-traffic control network, separate from the current federal system, to enable widespread operations at low altitudes … https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-google-others-are-developing-private-air-traffic-control-for-drones-1520622925 The Wall Street Journal | March 9, 2018
OVPD begins work with unmanned aerial vehicles
The tech buzz around Oro Valley may soon fall from the sky instead of gossip. The Oro Valley Police Department is soon rolling out its new drone program after months of planning. The drones can serve in search-and-rescue missions throughout … Continue reading