Tag Archives: Drone Delivery
Driverless delivery: Amazon’s latest patent combines autonomous trucks with drones
Amazon.com Inc. has patented autonomous delivery truck technology that could work with drones to deliver packages more quickly and efficiently. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awarded the patent — filed in December 2014 — on Tuesday. It describes driverless … Continue reading
Coming Soon to a Front Porch Near You: Package Delivery Via Drone
After lagging behind other countries for years, commercial drones in the U.S. are expected to begin limited package deliveries within months, according to federal regulators and industry officials … https://www.wsj.com/articles/coming-soon-to-a-front-porch-near-you-package-delivery-via-drone-1520798822 The Wall Street Journal | March 11, 2018
Amazon, Google, Others Are Developing Private Air-Traffic Control for Drones
The commercial drone industry wants to create a privately funded and operated air-traffic control network, separate from the current federal system, to enable widespread operations at low altitudes … https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-google-others-are-developing-private-air-traffic-control-for-drones-1520622925 The Wall Street Journal | March 9, 2018
Can Edible Drones Deliver Humanitarian Aid?
People trapped in war-torn or disaster-ravaged areas desperately need food and medical supplies. But how do you get it to them? Nigel Gifford thinks he has an answer: an edible drone. Gifford, founder and chairman of two-year-old Windhorse Aerospace, based … Continue reading