Tag Archives: FAA
Drones can be flown in Medford, with restrictions
Drones — unmanned aerial vehicles controlled remotely from the ground — have become popular in recent years and are used for everything from hobbyist photography to aiding law enforcement efforts. Sgt. Julie Denney of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office said … Continue reading
Teleoperated Drones Help Police Tailor Responses
The police department in Chula Vista, California, is pushing the cutting edge. If successful, it will help nudge the boundary of where drones can fly past the limits set by what a pilot can see,toward a future where drones can … Continue reading
Drones + Weapons? FAA Says That’s a No-No
Before you attach a flamethrower or other weapon to a drone, the Federal Aviation Administration is reminding pilots that would be a big mistake. Flying a drone with a weapon on the device is a crime that carries a $25,000 … Continue reading
FAA approves Kansas for first unique drone flight
The Kansas Department of Transportation received the green light from the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a unique drone flight. This flight will be performed beyond the visual line of sight, meaning it will fly past the operator’s ability to … Continue reading